First of all we recommend you to place your order online. If you don’t have an account in our store, you will only see a fixed price, we recommend you to register an account so that you can see the bulk price. You can add products to your cart according to your needs. Our products are priced based on quantity, for example, when the total quantity is 300, 600, 1200, their unit price is getting cheaper and cheaper. We have pre-set shipping rates for most countries, so it’s easy to see the total amount of your order. After you submit your order, you will see our bank information, check the address and your order items again and confirm that they are correct and you can pay. Please use the order number as the reference number for payment. If you find that the order item or address information is wrong, please ignore the order and start a new one. This will give you a new order number. If you prefer to place your order off line, please contact us at